Holiday Giving
Christmas Gift Bags Campaign
During the holiday season, Chalmers distributes gift bags containing essential items to guests. For some guests, it is the only gift they open on Christmas. In 2023, we gave out 803 bags, and expect to give out more this year. Please consider donating to help us fill our bags. You can contribute items (see our official letter with the list of items here) or contribute to us monetarily. Click here to find out how you can donate money to this campaign- if you choose to donate money to this campaign, specify that in a note on your donation. Thank you for your support!

If you're looking to part with your gently used winter coats, we will take them!
Guests looking to get a coat can visit during cafe and food pantry hours and ask our volunteers for a coat. Men's coats are distributed at our Downtown location (41 Macdonell St) and women's coats are distributed at our West location (577 Willow Rd).
We Have Winter Coats!